Jeff Da Costa: “We truly aim to elevate to the next level with the newest geospatial & drone technologies.” (Photo: Maison Moderne)

Jeff Da Costa: “We truly aim to elevate to the next level with the newest geospatial & drone technologies.” (Photo: Maison Moderne)

The Paperjam + Delano Club welcomes RSS-Hydro as a new member. Introduction in three questions.

Could you please, in a few words, describe for us your company’s activity? 

Jeff Da Costa. – “We are an international and diverse team of scientists and geospatial analysts that help innovate the ways in which we conduct research and develop new methods towards a more sustainable future under climate change. We help our clients mitigate present and future hydrometeorological risks. As a dynamic R&D company, we work together with doctoral and postdoctoral researchers with expertise in remote sensing, artificial intelligence (AI) and hydrometeorology with ties to world-leading universities.

You have just joined the Paperjam + Delano Club. What convinced you to do so? 

“We truly aim to elevate to the next level with the newest geospatial & drone technologies and engaging with other members of the Business Club offers us a unique opportunity to get inspired and hopefully a chance to inspire and raise awareness to others through our activities, thus reinforcing our presence on a national level. The offered training modules are beneficial for further enhancing the skills of our team and the networking events give us a platform to open up to other parties.

What in particular are you looking to get from the Club? And what does your organisation have to offer to other Club members? 

“We are looking for partners and potential clients as well as a chance to showcase our innovative applied research in which we assist flood disaster response efforts at global levels, use machine learning models to extract information from geospatial datasets to simulate water risks at local scales. We can offer tailored-made solutions and make use of our established partnerships to global networks in academia, science and humanitarian response organisms such as NASA, ESA and the UN.”