Mark Gem is the chairperson of the risk committee at Clearstream. (Photo: DR)

Mark Gem is the chairperson of the risk committee at Clearstream. (Photo: DR)

Ahead of the “10x6 Finance: Luxembourg post-Brexit” event organised by the Paperjam + Delano Club on Thursday 25 March, one of the speakers, Mark Gem (Clearstream), shares his vision of a post-Brexit Luxembourg.

If you could advise the Luxembourg government on ways to go forward to capitalise on Brexit, what would you say?

. – “The withdrawal of the UK strengthens the need to further deepen EU capital markets. London will likely remain the preeminent global and European financial centre. The EU must foster much greater competitiveness in financial services. And it is vital for Luxembourg that it does so without alienating the City. Despite the current cooling of relations between the UK and the EU, the establishment of the planned regulatory framework governing financial services remains a critical to-do. 

Over the last two years, which moments in the negotiation process stand out for you?

“Seeing the speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, shouting ‘Order! Order!’ every night on TV and becoming one of the most recognised figures on the planet in the process.

If we were having this conversation in five years’ time, what condition do you believe the EU will be in?

“With the renewed American commitment to internationalism and to a post-fossil economy, can we dare hope that the EU will have shown itself to be a committed transatlantic partner in an international system that is no longer decoupling? But to say that there are risks would be an understatement, so that is a hope, not a prediction.”