Formation - Finance & Comptabilité
jeudi 26.11.2020
Innovations in Health and Life Insurance in the Benelux

Maison Moderne
In a competitive market that is prone to consolidation, insurers are looking for ways to differentiate themselves.
With the rise of IoT, e-health and telemedicine, insurers have found new accelerators to go beyond their traditional offering. Boosted by the pandemic, telemedicine is here to stay!
This webinar aims to inform you about the latest developments in e-health and telemedicine and share how e-health is sparking innovation in life & health insurance.
We hope to inspire you by sharing several use cases. Furthermore, we will demonstrate with AXA Poland’s case study how smart devices for the protection and prevention of health proves to be an ideal ally, both for people in need of assistance as well as for their caregivers.
We will also see how AXA Poland leverages health care services and wearables to supplement its life insurance offering.
Register for our webinar and learn how you can expand your traditional insurance offer :
1. How can telemedicine be leveraged for Insurance?
2. Case study: How AXA Poland leveraged telemedicine to go beyond their traditional insurance offering
Speakers : Emilie Peyroche d’Arnaud & Wim Van Wilderode (Business Development Managers, Financial Services Insurance) ; Quinten De Raedt (Sales Director Telecom and E-health) and Kazimierz Cięciak (Consulting Director) for Comarch