Conférence - Actualité

mercredi 21.10.2020

Le contenu ci-dessous est exclusivement disponible en anglais.

US Elections 2020

 Maison Moderne

Maison Moderne

On 3 November 2020, American voters will head to the polls to decide whether sitting US President Donald J. Trump will remain in the White House or whether former Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will oust him for the 2021-2025 term.

Organised by Paperjam Club and Delano magazine, the US Elections Debate takes place two weeks prior to election day. Join us for a lively debate between teams led by James O'Neal (Republican) and Natalie Bachiri (Democrat) to understand what's at stake in this year's election and what forces are driving American voters' decisions.

Guest of honour US Ambassador to Luxembourg Randy Evans will give a welcome speech before the debate begins.

This event will be moderated by Delano’s Natalie Gerhardstein and Cordula Schnuer.


This event is organised by the Paperjam Club. Delano readers can sign up for free by selecting “Voucher découverte non membre” on the registration form.



18:05 DEBATE


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