Workshop - Développement personnel
jeudi 18.06.2020
Happiness at work! Employee engagement - A different approach to perks and motivation.
Maison Moderne
Le format phare de la formation du Paperjam Club se déploie en digital. Les Workshops sont des ateliers éligibles aux aides de l'État pour la formation professionnelle continue en petits groupes qui couvrent aussi bien les « soft » et « hard » skills au travers de 8 cycles. Les workshops en digital durent 1H30 et prévoient des interactions directes avec le formateur.
Does happiness at work matter? Can we increase it? What is behind the science-based P-E-R-K system for employee engagement?Take action today!
What is happiness at work and why does it matter? Can we increase our own happiness at work? – if so, how? In this course based on the P-E-R-K-system, we explore extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, engagement at work and their impact on the health and wellbeing of your employees as well as the productivity, efficiency and cost reduction within your company. P-E-R-K is an acronym for- Purpose- Engagement- Resilience- Kindness
Join us to learn about the science-based system and what is behind the four keywords for employee engagement and motivation.
Level: Intermediate
Expert: Lene Pedersen (Owner & Managing Director, Lenelife)
- Understand the P-E-R-K System and the meaning behind
- Understand Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic motivation
- Understand the link between a happy workplace and productivity and employee engagement
- Learn to build a culture of Happiness at Work
Cet événement est strictement réservé aux membres du Paperjam Club et fera l’objet d’une vérification. Vous pensez que votre entreprise est membre ? Vous pouvez prendre votre billet et inviter vos collègues à le faire également
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