Workshop - Stratégie & operations

mardi 23.09.2014

Operational Risk Management: organised uncertainty

Recent and on-going developments in the regulatory environment have transformed the corporate governance landscape, which means that companies are increasingly facing additional strategic, financial, compliance and technological challenges. It is therefore essential to view Operational Risk Management (ORM) processes as a key and integral part of the company’s governance framework and its day-to-day operations. In this workshop you will have the opportunity to learn some of the best business practices with regards to structuring, reviewing or establishing of ORM processes and frameworks. We will also examine how to assess the existing Risk Management processes and what to look for when implementing ORM strategies. You will also discover how the use of Risk Management tools can help you to further increase the effectiveness and efficiency of end-to-end Risk Management processes.

Expert: Karel Slajs (Grant Thornton ABAX Consulting)

Level : Intermediate

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