Workshop - Stratégie & operations

mardi 22.11.2022

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Data Governance, and the secrets of a successful implementation

 Maison Moderne

Maison Moderne

Data Governance as a game changer: How to create a blockbuster Data Governance process and avoid a bad disaster movie? 

Many executives rightly captured how critical quality of data can be today, and how data governance is one of the key components that support digital transformation and business growth. To achieve this goal, a well-established Data Governance process is absolutely necessary to get the ball rolling. 

Nevertheless, bad disaster movies are still frequent, which is what many Data Governance projects look like today: bad acting, cardboard decors, unrealistic special effects, and no plot…. In these cases, the value creation of Data Governance is not recognized by the organization. It is just viewed as a supportive set of policies and standards maintained by IT, and considered by the business community as a bureaucratic obstacle slowing their daily work.  The Data Governance process is adapted by few and ignored or even sabotaged by many. At the end, Data Governance initiatives that were started with a lot of enthusiasm will end with no added value or are simply abandoned. 

In this workshop Micropole Luxembourg will give a few guidelines and good practices to set-up an efficient and value creating Data Governance framework. With these do and do-nots, you can maybe avoid the bad disaster movie and create an Oscar-winning blockbuster…

Speaker: Mr CLAES Jan (Micropole Luxembourg)


- The right definition: What is data governance?

- The secret of success: What are the good practices for a Data Governance project?

- The pitfalls: What not to do in a Data Governance project?

Level: Confirmed


Participants are hereby informed that they are likely to appear on photographs taken at the event. These are intended to be published in print and/or digital media published by Maison Moderne.

This event is strictly reserved for Paperjam+Delano Business Club members and will be subject to verification. Think your company is a member? You can take your ticket and invite your colleagues to do so too.