Webinar - Finance & Comptabilité

jeudi 27.01.2022

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Alfi’s Priips Q&A session

Mario Mantrisi, strategy director at Kneip Communication, speaks on Alfi’s “PRIIPs regulatory changes: questions, answers & more” panel. Library picture: Luxflag

Mario Mantrisi, strategy director at Kneip Communication, speaks on Alfi’s “PRIIPs regulatory changes: questions, answers & more” panel. Library picture: Luxflag

The Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry holds a technical session on “the key changes that have affected the Key Investor Document (KID) under the Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) Regulation since the last revision of regulatory technical standards.”

The guidance is based on material that Alfi has been developing over the past 18 months.

Speakers during the “PRIIPs regulatory changes: questions, answers & more” webinar include Heimo Plössnig of Assenagon Asset Management, Mario Mantrisi of Kneip and Anne de Nonancourt of European Fund Administration.

Participants are invited to submit questions in advance or during the Q&A session.

The event is free, but reserved for Alfi members.