Workshop - Ressources humaines

jeudi 20.06.2019

A mindset for VUCA – developing the mindset to lead in the VUCA world

 Susanne Arend

Susanne Arend

As a leader are you constantly faced with challenges from VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity). To be successful, you need the right leadership skills but more importantly the right mindset.

As a leader and manager are you constantly faced with the challenges arising from VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity)and its impact on your business? To succeed in this environment, you need the right leadership skills but more importantly you need to have the right mindset. Research has shown that a leadership mindset with a strong focus on the people in their organisation, their interactions, their strengths and aspirations, makes a distinct difference to business success. As a leader and manager, you can develop and improve this mindset through a process of introspection and self-reflection, understanding your values and attitudes and how these impact on the people around you. This workshop has been specifically designed for you to developing this mindset. This workshop is interactive with various activities to develop self-management and self-leadership techniques, and you will find out more about your values and how these influence your mindset, your attitude and behaviours. Learn how you can employ this knowledge to succeed in leading people to be successful as a team and meet the challenges of the VUCA world.

Expert: Susanne Arend (Change Focus)

Level: Expert


- Self-management techniques

- The ability to act and interact in an agile and complex environment

- Skills to empower others


Susanne Arend
Susanne Arend
Consultante et Coach
Change Focus

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