BIO: Manuel started his career in 1995 with Banque Générale du Luxembourg, before moving to Deloitte, where he became a partner in 2002. In 2011, Manuel set up Value Associates SA, a boutique advisory firm offering M&A and corporate finance services to entrepreneurs and family offices. Manuel has co-authored a book and published several articles related to banking, finance and economics. He is a member of the board of directors of Asbl Libertés and the Finance Commission of the City of Luxembourg.

TALK: Manuel will talk about his concept of "enhanced democracy". A democracy where people are empowered by information, and not crippled by it. A democracy where people can make choices based on a clear understanding of where their economy is headed and what needs to be done to improve the country's overall conditions. To get there, he suggests the creation of a "council of the wise" that will provide "economic health" indicators transmitted through the media and helping voters understand more about their situation.