Gaëlle Attardo and Frank Mausen. Members of the Executive Board Crédit photo : Eva Krins (Maison Moderne)

Gaëlle Attardo and Frank Mausen. Members of the Executive Board Crédit photo : Eva Krins (Maison Moderne)

Luxembourg-based vehicles are increasingly the go-to choice for raising funds and making strategic investments, attracting savvy investors and ambitious enterprises from around the world. The Luxembourg Capital Markets Association is bringing this message to Paris and London.

The country has long-standing capital markets expertise, notably the Luxembourg Stock Exchange – the world’s leading venue for the listing of international debt securities – and as the location of Clearstream – the key European international clearing and settlement house. To these foundations have been added an array of structures, most of which are used for the country’s world leading investment fund industry and corporate finance sectors. These operations are supported by a range of service providers with decades of experience working in Luxembourg’s cross-border financial services hub.

LuxCMA in Paris and London

“It is this Luxembourg ecosystem that we will present and explain in detail during the conferences we have planned for Paris on 25 September and London on 7 November,” said Gaëlle Attardo, vice chair of the Luxembourg Capital Markets Asso­ciation (LuxCMA). “Our association represents all stakeholders in our sector, speaking with a single voice to explain the advantages of our jurisdiction for cross-border capital markets operations,” she added. Around 170 representatives of asset managers, family offices, and other financial institutions attended last year’s LuxCMA event in London, and this year’s conferences will look to build on this initial success. “We were able to explain Luxembourg to players who are relatively unfamiliar with the jurisdiction, and those who know us well but are maybe unaware of all the options available,” said Frank Mausen, LuxCMA’s secretary.

Focus and grow

LuxCMA was founded in 2019 to give focus to the efforts of the banks, infrastructure providers, paying and listing agents, lawyers, auditors and other service providers who specialise in capital markets operations. “The sector has been supported well for many years by the local banking and investment fund trade associations, but we wanted to take this to the next level,” said Mr Mausen. “LuxCMA is able to coordinate the work of local professionals, provide thought leadership, be an interlocutor with the Luxembourg government and regulators, and respond to proposals from the EU,” he added.

“Luxembourg excels as a top choice for financial innovation, boasting a contemporary legislative environment with an advanced DLT framework, a leading securitisation law, and a highly effective security interest regime. These elements facilitate the creation of strong, innovative financial structures,” stated Mr. Mausen. “We encourage industry participants to engage with us and explore how we can support their capital markets fundraising and investment endeavours,” he continued. “We invite players from across the industry to come and meet us to find out how we can help them with their capital markets fund raising and investments,” he said.