Nigel Bergstra: “Try to do as much as you can before going full-time and investing your life into it.” (Photo: Simon Verjus/Maison Moderne)

Nigel Bergstra: “Try to do as much as you can before going full-time and investing your life into it.” (Photo: Simon Verjus/Maison Moderne)

À la suite de l’événement Start-up Stories: Round 2 organisé par le Paperjam + Delano Club le jeudi 1er avril, le représentant de la société No Big Deal, Nigel Bergstra, partage sa vision d’entrepreneur.

From the idea to its realisation, there is only one step… and yet. What triggered your entrepreneurial adventure?

Nigel Bergstra. – “I can’t think of a single catalysing event – we just knew we had something and needed to move fast. The more time we put into it, the more real it became, and then at some point there was just no going back.

Do you have any advice to give to those who are still hesitant to get started?

“Try to do as much as you can before going full-time and investing your life into it. Validate the model as much as possible, talk to people – lots of people, specifically your target audience, but anyone that will listen will add perspective. If the reaction from the majority is ‘meh’, then you may need to take a step back and rethink. That said, if your idea is getting (mostly) exciting reactions, don’t hesitate!

We often hear that it is essential to make mistakes. What do you think about this?

“The quicker you make mistakes, the quicker you can react, with the minimal damage. This is critical to start-ups, where time is the most valuable, and scarce, resource.”