Johanna Lindberg, corporate communication officer at Banque internationale à Luxembourg. (Photo: Johanna Lindberg)

Johanna Lindberg, corporate communication officer at Banque internationale à Luxembourg. (Photo: Johanna Lindberg)

As part of the 10×6 Generation Z, organised by the Paperjam+Delano Business Club on Tuesday 28 November, Johanna Lindberg, corporate communication officer at Banque internationale à Luxembourg, shares her story and what inspires her.

How do you think Generation Z differs from their older colleagues?

– “We have grown up in a time of technological privilege. I cannot imagine a world without the internet, a world in which we are not constantly connected to each other through social media, a world in which information is not pushed on us, let alone hard to come by. We turn to social media for the answers to anything from ‘what is wrong with my washing machine?’ to investment advice.

This naturally gives us a different perspective than that of other generations, who might have had to learn to get used to the new technology that we often take for granted.

How would you define an entrepreneur?

“To me, an entrepreneur is someone who has the courage and willingness to take risks to try to create solutions for the gaps that they identify in the market. ‘Try’ being a key word because I believe that the attempts to fill these gaps are just as important as the successes. 

What advice would you give to a company recruiting new generations entering the job market?

“Two things:

- don’t get hung up on the stereotypes of new generations;

- attract young talent with good leadership.

Just like every generation, we are full of different people with different perspectives who want different things. Even though I am sure that we share several views and values, we remain different individuals with different priorities.

Good leadership will always attract new talent and that is no different with the younger generations. As obvious as it might seem, I believe that there is a need to put sufficient emphasis on this when recruiting.”