Arnit Dey.  (Photo: Arnit Dey)

Arnit Dey.  (Photo: Arnit Dey)

As part of the 10×6 Generation Z, organised by Paperjam+Delano Business Club on Tuesday 28 November, Arnit Dey, student at the Athenée du Luxembourg, shares his story and what inspires him.

What specific challenges have you encountered as a young entrepreneur in Luxembourg, and how did you overcome them?

—“The main problem I have faced as a young entrepreneur was due to my age, and specifically the fact that people look at my age and not my ideas. In a room with a 35-year-old who has a mediocre idea and a 15-year-old with a revolutionary idea, they choose the former as per traditional beliefs and governmental restrictions throughout the world. It always forces me to work harder so that they are obliged to look at my ideas and gives me more motivation to pursue further.

How do you take environmental and social concerns into account in your business, and how does this affect your brand image?

“Environmental and social issues and concerns are one of the primary focus of my business plan and we aim to create a brand that focuses on products that are socially and ecologically responsible while striving for diversity and inclusion. This helps our brand image and provides more opportunities and due to my so-called ‘Gen Z’ thinking I have a better idea on how to actively work towards incorporating this in my business.

How do you plan to grow your business in the future, both in the Luxembourg market and internationally?

“My business is easy to scale in but there are many challenges and bureaucratic hurdles that we have to overcome. We plan on collaborating with world governments and organisations to distribute our product all over the world and you can see then where the problem arises and hurdles come in! For Luxembourg we speak to local institutions to get the buzz about our idea going and to generate potential customers.”