Krentz & Griffin Sàrl


Date de création: 9 October 1999

Effectif: 25 (January 2000)

Types de services offerts: Management and Investment Training / Management Consulting

Questionnaire rempli par: Julie Krentz, Managing Director ([email protected])

- La formation, facteur de progrès pour l'entreprise et pour l'individu. Faites-nous part de votre expérience.

Most companies recognise that technical training is vital for their staff and make management training available for their top level managers. There is a tendency to invest too little into the management training of the first-line and middle managers and this is where many companies experience issues. The first-line and middle managers have often been promoted because they are excellent technicians but they need to have the opportunity to learn leadership and man management skills.

- Que pensez-vous des nouvelles méthodes de formation (e-learning, théâtre, jeu d'entreprise.) ? S'imposeront facilement et rapidement? Oui, non, pourquoi?

On-line learning methods are very good for technical training and can be used to complement management training. One way communication is not sufficient in management training. Krentz & Griffin Sàrl does have strategic plans to incorporate innovative use of modern technology in our training services and believes that technology will enable us broaden the reach of our services.

 - Les formations initiales au Luxembourg sont-elles de qualité suffisante? Pensez-vous que la création de l'Université de Luxembourg pourra donner un plus à la place?

Luxembourg needs a University and could build itself as a centre of excellence for education. This will not only take significant investment but will need to evolve over a long period of time as reputation for excellence takes time to build.