Date de création: 1997

Effectif: 1997

Directeur Général: Matthias Schmitt

Types de services offerts: consulting, training, software development, hosting, system support and maintance

Questionnaire rempli par: Werner Eiden, Administrator ([email protected])

- Vous êtes une société proposant des solutions applicables dans le domaine d'Internet? Décrivez rapidement les services que vous proposez

- consultancy in developing an e-business vision and strategy; customized development of e-business solutions; system maintenance and support; Internet hosting services; search engine optimisation; training

- Pensez-vous que l'arrivée progressive de solutions de signature électronique soit condition suffisante pour le développement du commerce électronique? L'État a-t-il un rôle à jouer dans ce domaine?

Electronic signatures are one important key factor for a new set of e-business / administrative applications and services. However, it's not the only one. Even today there are many e-business strategies and models that do not depend on electronic signatures at all.

For example, B2B-strategies are defined in well-known environments that allow to set-up standards and processes based on common agreements between the involved partners.

Targeting the consumer market situation is different. Without a well-established legally approved Public Key Infrastructure that manages electronic signatures many business & administrative transactions are not fully electronically operable. This is were the government has to play its role. The government has to set-up the required legal framework - not the necessarily the required infrastructure.

 - Construire un site Internet doit à la fois tenir compte d'objectifs opérationnels (faut-il présenter l'entreprise, vendre.), mais également des questions coûts, des technologies disponibles et de l'ergonomie. L'approche des entreprises a-t-elle évolué au cours de la dernière année?

Yes, the situation has changed in the last two years. Companies have understood that they have to participate somehow in this new market place. So it's no more necessary to convince the management that their company needs to invest in this domain.

Even they have already developed great ideas about what could be done. But still many e-commerce initiatives still do fail because an organization does underestimate the required efforts and resources to run and operate an e-commerce site.

This concerns budgets, human resources, internal competencies in different domains (marketing, technical, user level), and assistance required by third parties who are able to fill the gaps.