Caner Dolas, CEO and Co-founder of Gamma AR. (Photo: DR)

Caner Dolas, CEO and Co-founder of Gamma AR. (Photo: DR)

En amont de l’événement Start-up Stories: Round 3 organisé par le Paperjam + Delano Club le mardi 8 juin, le représentant de la société Gamma AR, Caner Dolas, partage sa vision d’entrepreneur.

Where did you get the idea for your start-up?

Caner Dolas. – “Bringing 3D Models from the planning to the construction site has been a challenge in the industry for some time already. The idea to create a start-up to solve this important problem of the construction industry was formed during a project at the RWTH Aachen University.

What are the qualities needed to launch your start-up?

“It is very important to be persistent, to have an entrepreneurial and technical mindset with the ability to tell a story about something that will change the way we build.

We often hear that it is essential to make mistakes. What do you think about this?

“Mistakes are the best teachers. Everybody makes mistakes. The important thing is to have a culture for accepting mistakes and learning from them.”