Nasir Zubairi (Lhoft).  (Photo:

Nasir Zubairi (Lhoft).  (Photo:

Dans le cadre de la Delano Summer Party: Let’s celebrate expats, organisée par le Paperjam+Delano Business Club, le jeudi 13 juillet, Nasir Zubairi, CEO de la Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (Lhoft), partage ce qui l’inspire.

Why have you decided to associate your brand with this event? What values and objectives do you wish to convey as a sponsor?

Nasir Zubairi. —“We’re sponsoring this event to highlight our commitment to innovation, inclusivity, collaboration and the growth of the fintech sector in Luxembourg.

What specific services and resources do you offer Expats to ease their transition and integration in Luxembourg? What issues might Expats encounter? How do you deal with them at LHoFT?

“We offer networking events, mentorship programs, business connectivity and advice as well as resources on local business practices. Critically, we work hard to build a community of professionals and friends at our incubator and amongst our network to help Expats seamlessly integrate into Luxembourg.

Expats may face cultural and business challenges, depending on where they are coming from. At LHoFT, we provide resources and personalized support to help them navigate these issues and integrate smoothly into Luxembourg’s business and social environment.

As a key player in the Luxembourg financial centre, and with nearly 70% of foreigners living in Luxembourg, how do you make the country attractive for Expats?

“We showcase Luxembourg as a dynamic financial hub with a welcoming, international community, that is comfortable speaking a variety of languages, and that is inclusive and accepting of all cultures. Our initiatives highlight the professional opportunities and vibrant lifestyle that make Luxembourg attractive for Expats.”