IoT (Photo: Intelsat Property)

IoT (Photo: Intelsat Property)

Global satellite service complements cellular connectivity to enable solutions for more locations.

announced that Deutsche Telekom IoT intends to integrate Intelsat FlexEnterprise into its cloud-based Internet of Things (IoT) offering to extend powerful, easy-to-use IoT solutions to locations regardless of the availability of fiber or cellular connectivity options.

IoT services are increasingly used across a diverse array of businesses. By using FlexEnterprise to complement cellular connectivity, DT can extend the reach and effectiveness of its solution and drive better results for its customers.

“Satellite connectivity allows IoT to connect physical objects and devices from anywhere on the globe to the virtual world to enhance real-time data collection, analysis and decision making”, said Brian Jakins, Intelsat Networks general manager. “With FlexEnterprise, DT expands the usefulness of its IoT offering, especially for widely distributed applications like renewable energy infrastructure and green IoT environmental monitoring.”

“By integrating satellite connectivity into our DT IoT offering, we connect everything everywhere and reshape the future of global IoT networking,” said Dennis Nikles, CEO of Deutsche Telekom IoT GmbH. “Our customers now have a single point of contact, as well as a ‘network of networks’ with simple and ubiquitous connectivity that enables completely new possibilities.”

Read the entire press release here: