Ronan Vander Elst ,  Partner | Consulting – Digital & Technology Leader © Deloitte

Ronan Vander Elst , Partner | Consulting – Digital & Technology Leader © Deloitte

Deloitte Digital’s vision is simple – empower companies to reimagine how they connect and engage with their clients along the customer journey. By using the Salesforce cloud platform, Deloitte Digital aims to be the best-in-class at driving digital transformation.

“Throughout our long history partnering with Salesforce, we have worked hand-in-hand, striving for the best possible outcomes for our clients and their businesses,” comments Ronan Vander Elst, Partner, Deloitte Digital Luxembourg, ahead of ICT Spring Europe. “As the Salesforce ecosystem grows, we are expanding our credentials to include new leading cloud technologies.”

The cloud platform is more than a place, a journey, or simply technology; it’s an opportunity to reimagine the possibilities of a business. It has the power to transform, acting as a catalyst for continuous reinvention – as well as lighting the path to help organizations confidently discover their ‘possible’ and make it a reality.

Cloud technology can help modernize the business core by powering computing infrastructures, driving data strategies, disrupting the status quo of today’s marketplace, and influencing the technologies that lie ahead on the horizon.

Point of contact

Deloitte Digital recently became an official Salesforce Cloud Reseller for the Luxembourg market and can now officially act as the ‘single point of contact’. By drawing on the knowledge, certifications, and expertise found within Salesforce’s solutions, Deloitte Digital clients can benefit from a further simplified digital transformation journey.

It also confirms Deloitte Digital’s skills in guiding clients on their Salesforce sales and pre-sales journey, mapping current specific business requirements alongside future strategic visions. This autonomy and local expertise are highly appreciated for both the pace of engagement throughout the solution’s discovery journey and the requested project agenda priorities.

A human focus

Many organizations have placed – or are looking to place – the customer at the center of their business strategy. Research suggests this to be a sound approach: companies that focus on ‘human-centric marketing’ have been found to grow up to 17 times faster with double the three-year revenue growth of their peers. Regardless of the business outcome, cloud technology can create seamless, immersive, and impactful experiences – major drivers in the Deloitte Digital and Salesforce partnership.

Ronan Vander Elst, Partner, Deloitte Digital Luxembourg, continues:

“We are very proud of the new Reseller agreement that will reinforce our value proposition to our clients across industry sectors and through all companies and organizations in the Luxembourg market. Salesforce not only has a perfect solution, fit for small-medium to large enterprises, but also great business values across sales, services, marketing and administrative structures that are looking for better personalized engagements with their end customers, prospects, partners, or citizens.”

Please join the Deloitte Digital team – in person – to discuss your digital projects at the upcoming on 14 and 15 September 2021 at the European Convention Center, Luxembourg.

ICT Spring: European Convention Center Luxembourg, 4 Place de l’Europe - 1499 Luxembourg