Ilana Devillers (Founder & CEO of F4 A) (Photo: Eva Krins/Maison Moderne)

Ilana Devillers (Founder & CEO of F4 A) (Photo: Eva Krins/Maison Moderne)

As part of the 10x6 Women: Leaders’ role models organised by the Paperjam + Delano Club on Tuesday, February 22, Ilana Devillers, Founder & CEO of F4A, shares her vision of female leadership.

During this conference you talked about the models that inspired you, what led you to talk about those?

Ilana Devillers. — “First, my Grand-Father has always been the role model in my family who inspired me the most. He showed me, via his life path, that whatever you wanted in life, you could have it by putting the effort in. He taught me what discipline was, he completed my education and has always pushed me to be a better version of myself. Bernard Arnault inspired me regarding his personal story, how he has built is luxury group and hes very particular to me because when I discovered the term MNF in High School, with one of my best friends, we decided to make a case study for our economy class of the resilience his company during the 2008 crisis. Regarding Steve Jobs, his will, his story and the Gafa he has created inspires me also in my everyday life. Everything is possible!

Would you say that female leadership is different from male leadership?

Not really, female leadership is not different from male leadership. Yes, we are definitely the opposite sexes, but I do believe leadership has nothing to do with the fact of being a man or being a woman. On the other hand, we do think differently and as women are more sensitive to emotions, making empathy, team work, communication a little bit easier for us. But I am convinced leadership has nothing to do with gender.

What could we do in order to inspire more women to become leaders?

Demonstrating that everything is possible and that it has nothing to do with gender.