Francesco started his R&D career in 2005, as part of the eSecurity Lab of Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, an Italian RTO. Before joining List in 2016, he held several positions in R&D, management and partnership development. He has been recognised for many years as an international expert in the field of R&D and of smart cities and smart mobility, being the co-editor of a major Handbook of Research in the field. He is also a highly successful Horizon 2020 project coordinator, a keynote speaker at major international events and a member of high-level working groups in Luxembourg and abroad.
Francesco is an associated part-time PhD student with the Mobilab group, the Transport Research Group of the University of Luxembourg. The team performs education and research activities ranging from advanced traffic and transport data analysis, transport planning and control, mobility and traffic modelling, sustainable transport services optimisation and supply chain and logistics management. The focus of his PhD thesis is Data-driven Multimodal Mobility for Future Smart Cities.