Theo Short: “If you think you have a great idea, the most important piece of advice is not to keep it to yourself.” (Photo: DR)

Theo Short: “If you think you have a great idea, the most important piece of advice is not to keep it to yourself.” (Photo: DR)

En amont de l’événement Start-up Stories: Round 2 organisé par le Paperjam Club le mardi 13 octobre à la Host, le représentant de la société CleverYak, Theo Short, partage sa vision d’entrepreneur.

Where did you get the idea for your start-up?

Theo Short. – “Candidates going through a recruitment process are often interviewed online in the early stages. This was something we witnessed when we were all working together at Skype in Luxembourg. We felt there was an opportunity to develop a video calling solution that was designed around the specific needs of interviewers and candidates. A product that is really easy to use, and which helps interviewers make stronger decisions about the candidates they meet.

From the idea to its realisation, there is only one step… and yet. What triggered your entrepreneurial adventure?

“When we first had the seed of an idea, we got together and discussed everything we felt it was important to understand before we went any further. Top of this list was an in-depth discussion around our motivations for starting a company. We are all immigrants (expats to use the British word) into Luxembourg, and we all feel very welcomed and settled in this small but beautiful country. We learnt that none of us is motivated to create wealth, but rather to grow the business sufficiently that it provides us with a comfortable income, and beyond this to contribute to the success of Luxembourg, both economically and socially. This agreed, we started to explore the competition and to develop a high-level product definition of what we proposed to build. This gave us the initial confidence to take the next step, and actually start working together. 

Do you have any advice to give to those who are still hesitating to launch?

“If you think you have a great idea, the most important piece of advice is not to keep it to yourself. As soon as you can, make connections, and validate your thoughts and plans with as many people as you can. Speak to professionals in your field, and speak to potential future customers. These people will be a critical ear for your ideas, and will help guide you in the right direction. Don’t be nervous about reaching out to strangers – most people are more than happy to share their experience with you.”