Hugo Morin, founder of TheFaunaClub.  (Photo: Hugo Morin)

Hugo Morin, founder of TheFaunaClub.  (Photo: Hugo Morin)

As part of the 10×6 Generation Z, organised by Paperjam+Delano Business Club on Tuesday 28 November, Hugo Morin, founder of TheFaunaClub, shares his story as a young entrepreneur.

What inspired you to become an entrepreneur and launch your own project in Luxembourg?

. — “My main drive for the creation of my own project in Luxembourg is really to create something for my generation, while at the same time making a meaningful impact on the environments of our planet.

What are the key lessons you’ve learned as an entrepreneur, and what advice would you give to other young people considering starting out?

“Two key lessons that I learned as a young entrepreneur is that the development of a project works way smoother when setting goals for your startup (roadmap). Building your network is also something that is very useful to boost opportunities for your project.

What local resources have you found most useful in developing your business?

“Local events in Luxembourg help me a lot in developing my business. When attending to numerous events like networking events or events set up by Association, it opens up a lot of opportunities for my startup, which I find fantastic!”