Joseph HUGGARD, Chairman ILCC; Diarmuid O'LEARY, Ambassador of Ireland to Luxembourg; An Tánaiste, Eamon GILMORE (Photo : Geoff Thompson)

Joseph HUGGARD, Chairman ILCC; Diarmuid O'LEARY, Ambassador of Ireland to Luxembourg; An Tánaiste, Eamon GILMORE (Photo : Geoff Thompson)

The Ireland Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (ILCC) was launched on Monday 25 June to promote closer economic ties between the two countries across the broad range of sectors and interests that link the two countries, such as the financial services, IT, tourism and trade.

Within Luxembourg, the ILCC will offer a wide variety of services to its members – news, networking and fresh business insights.

Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr Eamon Gilmore T.D. launched the ILCC at the Hotel Le Royal in Luxembourg city. Speaking at the event Mr Gilmore described the relationship between the two economies as one of “competitive complementarity”. He stated “This is an environment in which a bilateral Chamber of Commerce can benefit not only the companies and individuals participating, but also the two countries by fostering greater understanding and awareness of commercial opportunities, and areas for potential cooperation and mutual growth”.

More than 160 people attended the launch including many prominent figures in the Luxembourg business community and numerous Irish business people based in the Grand Duchy.

Speaking at the event, the Chairman of the ILCC Board, Joseph Huggard stated: "Ireland and Luxembourg have a tremendous amount in common and this Chamber will surprise some people by showing just how deep and extensive are those links."

“We want to draw on the extensive experience and knowledge of our Board, and all our members, to identify areas of common business interests for our countries and to use our networks to advocate for coordinated action in pursuit of the Chamber's goals.”

The ILCC Board, representing prominent business figures that support the aims of the ILCC was also announced at the launch event and they are:

  • Dr. Norbert Becker, Partner, Atoz Financial Advisor
  • Mr. Andrew Browne, Chief Financial Officer, SES
  • Mr. Michael Ferguson, Partner, Ernst & Young
  • Mr. Joseph Huggard, Managing Director, The Huggard Consulting Group
  • Ms. Catriona McDermott, Director, The Ark Sàrl
  • Mr. Matt Moran, Chief Executive Officer, Lombard International Assurance
  • Mrs. Diana Rutledge, Chambre de Commerce, Luxembourg
  • Mr. Jean-Louis Schiltz, Partner, Schilz et Schiltz
  • Chevalier Antoine Seyler
  • Mr. Romain Weiler, Chief Operating Officer, Banque de Luxembourg

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