At its general assembly IBF Luxembourg members have elected two new board members. Jörg Agostini (UBS Luxembourg) and Ralf Strauss (Syngeon S.A,) represent the younger generation of finance experts.
Markus Postler (RBC Dexia Investor Services), Herbert Weynand (Banque LB Lux) and Philipp von Restorff (ABBL) remain board members until 2012.
Barbara Fischer Fürwentsches, who has been a board member for 15 years and president for the last 5 years, has resigned from the board in July 2010 for professional reasons. She will however continue to work for IBF Luxembourg by running the IBF office and thus use her long-lasting experience to further support IBF board members in their work. IBF Luxembourg presidency has been taken over by Markus Postler.
Apart from organising interesting conferences and events the main focus in 2011 shall be on the acquisition of new members. At present 87 financial experts from 62 different companies are members of IBF Luxembourg. As in the past year IBF will continue to organize joint events with other associations at the financial centre of Luxembourg.
IBF Luxembourg, founded in Luxembourg in October 1989, has since then organised up to now more that 260 conferences and other events in Luxembourg with high ranking guest speakers from the political and economical scene. Over the last five years nearly 1,400 people have attended IBF Luxembourg events - a clear indication that IBF Luxembourg has grown to be a respected player in the financial centre.
IBF Luxembourg provides a platform for communication and know-how transfer between its members, offering a wide range of events for financial professionals.
IBF Luxembourg aims to enhance both the professional image and the dynamics of Luxembourg’s finance sector as well as to strengthen the economic, social and personal contacts within its financial community.