Brigitte Hennemann, Vice-President Sales Public Sector of euroscript International. (Photo: Julien Becker/archives)

Brigitte Hennemann, Vice-President Sales Public Sector of euroscript International. (Photo: Julien Becker/archives)

The European Commission – Directorate General Information Society and Media awarded the framework contract for translation and proofreading of notifications and consultations under article 7 of Framework Directive for electronic communications (2002/21/EC (as amended by Directive 2009/140/EC)) to euroscript Luxembourg S.à r.l.

"We are happy to continue the successful collaboration with the DG Information Society and Media," stated Brigitte Hennemann, Vice-President Sales Public Sector of euroscript International. "The contract renewal proves euroscript’s competencies in the field of Language Services and our strong experience in the Public Sector".

The contract, signed by both parties on 28 January 2011, came into force on 30 January 2011, will run for 24 months and may be renewed one time for a period of 24 months.

The services provided within the contract are supporting the European Commission in its communication with the Member States with regard to the regulation process. In accordance with the procedural steps of the regulation process, documents are translated in order to facilitate the communication between countries and the European Commission.

As countries may communicate in their official language, the European Commission is obliged to respond to the respective country in its official language. Therefore, documents need to be translated from one of the 21 official EU languages (except Gaelic and Maltese) into English and vice versa, enabling the European Commission to deal with the content of the document and launch the next step in the procedure. Comments to be sent back to the country are written in English by the Commission and need to be translated into the official language of the country in question.

The characteristics of the service provided by euroscript are:

  • Tight turnaround times
  • Mandatory deadlines
  • High volumes: the length of notifications and technical annexes can vary considerably, e.g. between 50 and 1,700 pages
  • Language combinations are unpredictable and numerous
  • Weekends and public holiday work schedules
  • With the communication of documents between the European Commission and an individual country being a formal step in the regulation procedure, all translations must be precise in content and always delivered within the given deadlines.