The winners of this year's EuroCloud Europe Award (Photo: EuroCloud)

The winners of this year's EuroCloud Europe Award (Photo: EuroCloud)

In front of more than 150 Cloud experts from 21 European member states, EuroCloud President Bernd Becker opened the EuroCloud Congress at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce on the 30th of September, and has just revealed the winners of this year’s competition.

For the fourth time in a row, the European jury reviewed all the winners from the national EuroCloud Awards that took place over the past months. “A total of 50 winners were presented to us, from 12 different countries. The jury has chosen the best of the best and we believe this year’s results are representative of the high quality of cloud projects throughout Europe”, explains Bernd Becker.

Like last year, companies from 12 countries: Germany, the Netherlands, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Romania, Turkey, Spain, France, the United Kingdom and Portugal, have taken the opportunity to have their cloud solutions judged in a European competition. The jury is composed of university professors, government representatives, researchers and financial auditors.

The independent international Cloud Jury honored the following companies with the EuroCloud Europe Award 2014:

In the category Best Cloud Service Public Sector:

  • Ymens, R0, with, Romania

In the category Best Saas Service on the Market:

In the category Best Paas/Iaas Service on the Market:

  • CloudBees, FR, with CloudBees Platform, France

In the category Start Up Service with best Innovation Potential:

  • Fedr8, UK, with Argentum, United Kingdom

In the category Start Up Cloud Service with best Business Potential:

In the category Cloud Service with best Business Impact:

  • Goopti, SI, with GoOpti, Slovenia

The two days Congress gathers the entire European Cloud ecosystem with the aim to share and present the latest technical and regulatory developments relevant for Europe’s Cloud industry.