After ten months of construction, Enovos Luxembourg inaugurates a new 10 MW wind farm in Souilly, near Verdun.
The Souilly wind farm, which started production in November 2012, consists of five wind turbines with a power capacity of 2 MW each. The site has an estimated annual production of more than 22,000,000 kWh a year, enough to provide eco-friendly electricity to around 5,500 households, corresponding to a town of the size of Verdun.
Daniel Christnach, Head of Renewable Energies & Cogeneration Enovos Luxembourg says, "Over 10,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions can be avoided every year thanks to the green energy produced by the Souilly farm. With the addition of the Souilly farm, Enovos now has a total renewable energy production capacity of 271 MW in Luxembourg, Germany, Belgium, France and Italy."
The infrastructure construction work began in January 2012 and in February the preliminary components of the wind turbines were delivered on site. Assembly and installation of the equipment was completed in August. The wind farm went into production in November 2012 and produced 4.5 GWh of electrical energy in its first two months of operation. The wind turbines chosen for this site are the Vestas V90 model; Vestas is the world leader in wind turbine production with almost 44,500 turbines installed globally.
The Enovos Group is putting more and more emphasis on energy production from renewable sources. "As a supplier of electricity and natural gas, we are aware of the limited availability of fossil fuels," explains Marc Reiffers, COO Enovos Luxembourg. "We want to contribute to the supply of sustainable energy and actively protect the climate through sizeable investments in renewable energies, and in this instance it is wind turbines. Our investment in the Souilly wind farm, developed by ABO Wind, Wiesbaden, proves our commitment to renewable energy sources that respect the environment."
Enovos is already deeply involved in wind farms: the company has another site in France with a total output capacity of 12MW, three sites in Germany with a total output capacity of 27.8 MW and 5 sites in Luxemburg with a total output capacity of 48.6 MW.
Enovos Luxembourg S.A. - Natural gas, electricity and services
As major energy supplier in Luxembourg, Enovos Luxembourg S.A. is also present on the German, French and Belgian energy market. Its mission consists of generating electricity, natural gas and renewable energy for industries, SMB's, distributors and private households and in delivering it to them.
In addition to its traditional core business, the company is expanding its activities mostly in the field of renewable energy.
Enovos Luxembourg S.A. is 100% owned by Enovos International S.A., a holding company with its headquarters in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg which acts as an umbrella also for the management of the grid operator, Creos Luxembourg S.A.
Expressed in numbers, the Enovos Group currently consists of more than 1,300 employees, more than 280,000 points of delivery (electricity and natural gas), more than 9,000 km of electric lines and more than 3,600 km of gas pipelines.
25.44% of Enovos International S.A. belongs to the main shareholder, the Luxembourg State, 10.01% belongs to the state-owned investment bank SNCI and 8.00% belongs to the City of Luxembourg. AXA Private Equity owns 23.48%, RWE owns 18.36%, E.ON has 10.00% and Electrabel holds 4.71%.