EBRC won the Eurocloud Luxembourg award

EBRC won the «Best cloud transformation methods» for the second consecutive year. (Photo: Maison Moderne)

EBRC won the «Best cloud transformation methods» for the second consecutive year. (Photo: Maison Moderne)

Thursday, the 28th of April, the Eurocloud Luxembourg 2016 awards were granted during the Golden-i Gala opened by Francine Closener, secretary of State of the Economy, secretary of State of Internal Security, secretary of State of Defence.

EBRC, European Business Reliance Centre, leader in the integrated business of "data center, cloud and managed services" won the "Best cloud transformation methods" for the second consecutive year.

IT transformation with EBRC Trusted Advisory Services: "to move forward"

The typology of the Luxembourg economy is mainly organised around finance, insurance, media and institutions... highly sensitive markets requiring the best answers in terms of security, privacy, integrity and regulation.

This is why EBRC designed early 2011 its TrustedCloudEurope offer, a specific cloud solution able to answer these constraints and to fit Luxembourg highly regulated and competitive environment.

If it is quite easy for a new company to set up its business into the cloud, moving from a heterogeneous information system, or switching from a monolithic provider to the cloud is complex and highly challenging.

Technology is nothing without understanding the client’s business and challenges

Even more than technology and technical expertise, EBRC has identified that advisory services and client business understanding are key factors of success.

By opposition to global and massive cloud providers, EBRC closely works together with its clients to provide tailor-made solutions fitting their specific needs, with a collaborative approach during all project phases: from the assessment of what the client has (as-is), of what he wants (to-be), and of what is feasible within the client's context (options), considering risks and client's constraints or parameters (enablers/limiters).  

Moreover, EBRC turns a plan into reality by a totally dedicated governance to be driven in a day-to-day approach, ensuring a permanent reactivity and follow-up of the client’s requirements to support it until the "transition" is over and the "run phase" is on.

Clients’ achieved results

Moving to EBRC TrustedCloudEurope environment allows our client (which case has been detailed in the award file) to access the latest technologies thanks to a very efficient infrastructure that serves its growth, and make it possible for it to stay focus on its business development to face the competition.

Its business transformation was achieved in less than 10 months.

By moving into EBRC TrustedCloudEurope solution, the client drastically reduced its time-to-market to implement new services and reach a significant saving.