(Photo: Melufina)

The first LuxBlockHackathon was held on 8 & 9 May 2017 at SnTLuxembourg. Organised by Melufina, a blockchain think tank created by Radu State (SnT), Evan Schwartz (Ripple) & Frank Roessig (Telindus). Over 50 blockchain coders from Luxembourg, San Francisco, Kiev, London, Paris, Lisbon, Rotterdam, Cologne hacked away on Stellar, Hyperledger, Ethreum, Monero.

During 36-hours, the teams worked on solving a challenge linked to a P2P Asset Exchange that is KYC-compliant by using innovative blockchain-based technology.

The jury, composed of Gerard Hoffmann (Telindus), Marco Houwen (InfraChain), David Mazieres (Stanford University), Melinda Roylett (Paypal), Radu State (SnT) and Evan Schwartz (Ripple), deliberated to determine two winning teams that developed original and realistic solutions. The president of the jury, Gerard Hoffmann, stated “how impressed he was by the quality of the solutions presented”.

The winning teams are sharing a 1.5 million Stellar Lumens prize that has been donated by the Stellar Foundation in San Francisco. The DLTeam leader, Pavel Kravchenko of Distributed Lab in Kiev, “appreciated the impeccable organisation and thoroughly enjoyed hacking with such strong competitors”; “those two days were an incredible learning experience,” added the members of CryptoLux team.

The same day, Professor David Mazieres, Prof.CS Stanford University and creator of the Stellar Consensus Protocol, gave  the speech “From dollars to quorum slices: Internet-level consensus in Stellar”.

The Hack was followed by diverse blockchain demos by Quantoz, Tempo and Centaurus at which attendees could participate in effecting live blockchain transactions and claim Stellar Lumens. 

The event was supported by the SnT, Telindus, Stellar, Infrachain and Digital Lëtzebuerg.