Alexander Rust (Photo : Université du Luxembourg)

Alexander Rust (Photo : Université du Luxembourg)

ATOZ and the University of Luxembourg are pleased to announce that the University teaching staff is further strengthened by an additional full professor. Alexander Rust, hitherto Associate Professor in Tax Law at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF), who holds the ATOZ Chair for European and International Tax Law, was appointed Professor in European and International Tax Law.

“ATOZ congratulates Professor Rust and the University of Luxembourg on this development,” commented Keith O’Donnell, Managing Partner of ATOZ. “Because of our collaborative initiatives related to the ATOZ Chair for European and International Taxation, we have had the opportunity to get to know Professor Rust and are impressed with his technical knowledge and professionalism. This is a testament of his dedication and the importance of the subject to Luxembourg. We look forward to continuing working with him and the University,” closed O’Donnell.

Alexander Rust joined the University of Luxembourg in February 2010 where his academic activities covered a wide variety of subjects, reaching from various national tax systems, European and International Tax Law to general European Law as well as Constitutional Law. These resulted in the publication of numerous contributions in internationally renowned journals and the book “Double Taxation within the European Union” which Alexander Rust edited and that deals with current topics of European and International Tax Law. Additionally, he appeared in and organised several conferences on various topics such as Exchange of Information (October 2010), Investing in Luxembourg (December 2010), the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (May 2011), the State Aid and Direct Taxation (November 2011) and the Annual Conference on European Direct Taxation Law (November 2011) to name but a few.

He holds a PhD from Munich University – his thesis on compatibility of CFC-Rules with European and Tax Treaty Law having been awarded with numerous awards – where he was also appointed Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Public Laws. Furthermore, his professional track record covers among others the position of Acting Assistant Professor at New York University’s Tax Faculty and Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Research Centre for Tax Law.

Alexander Rust has been instrumental in the creation of the FDEF’s new LL.M. specialisation in European and International Tax Law for which he acts as Study Director.Alexander Rust is fluent in English, German and French.