Arthur Meulman, General Manager chez   (Photo: Eric Devillet)

Arthur Meulman, General Manager chez   (Photo: Eric Devillet)

Dans le cadre du «10×6 Talent Acquisition», organisé par le Paperjam+Delano Business Club, le mardi 11 juillet, Arthur Meulman, General Manager chez, partage ce qui l’inspire.

Why have you decided to become a partner of this event?

.“As, we have decided to become a partner of this event because the topic of labor shortage resonates deeply with us. It is indeed the most burning issue of the last few years, affecting all sectors in Luxembourg. We understand the challenges that employers face in recruiting and attracting talented individuals in such a competitive market.

By participating in this event, we aim to contribute our expertise and collaborate with other HR professionals to address this issue collectively. We believe that sharing best practices for attracting, hunting, selecting, recruiting, and onboarding talents can lead to valuable insights and strategies that benefit the entire job market in Luxembourg.

How do you address the issue of diversity and inclusion in talent management?

“Diversity and inclusion are integral aspects of talent management at We recognize the value of a diverse workforce and actively promote equal opportunities for all individuals. Our platform is designed to support employers in their efforts to attract and hire diverse talents. We encourage employers to adopt inclusive hiring practices and provide guidance on creating inclusive job descriptions and interview processes. Furthermore, we actively collaborate with organizations and initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

How do you take care of employer branding and employee experience in your company?

“At, we prioritize employer branding and employee experience. We understand the importance of a positive employer brand in attracting talented individuals. We provide tools and resources to help employers showcase their company culture, values, and opportunities on our platform. This includes creating attractive job listings, showcasing employer profiles, and highlighting employee testimonials.

Additionally, we offer analytics and insights to employers to help them understand and enhance their employer brand perception. Regarding employee experience, we believe that fostering a positive work environment is crucial. We encourage companies to invest in employee engagement initiatives, such as team-building activities, employee recognition programs, and professional development opportunities.

Overall, is committed to supporting employers and job seekers in Luxembourg, addressing the challenges of talent management, promoting diversity and inclusion, and enhancing employer branding and employee experience.”