Karen Wauters, honorary consul of Canada to Luxembourg.  (Photo: Maison Moderne)

Karen Wauters, honorary consul of Canada to Luxembourg.  (Photo: Maison Moderne)

Dans le cadre du «10×6 Women on board», organisé par le Paperjam + Delano Business Club le mardi 28 février, Karen Wauters, honorary consul du consulat du Canada, partage ce qui l’inspire.

How would you define diversity, equality, and inclusion in the workplace? Would respecting these allow for the stability of women on boards?

—“In practice this is a place where there is open and transparent dialogue and disclosure, and which embraces difference and complementarity and provides a base for each individual to achieve their potential and where reward is based on merit and unbiased assessment of contribution. In this environment DEI processes and procedures would be lived rather than receive lip service and would be used to guide, measure and influence change. I believe inclusive leadership and the consequent culture would allow all underrepresented groups to be involved as a norm rather than an exception.

How does your company encourage gender diversity on boards?

“ILA has a dedicated committee which has been mandated by the board to make and implement diversity promotion policy and to raise awareness of the benefits and challenges of diversity, while disseminating information through publications and events, and by helping to organise mentoring and training sessions.

One specific training – Diversity@Heart facilitates effective collaboration and performance within diverse boards. This course takes a theoretical and practical approach, raising awareness and promoting understanding of different personality types and cultural codes.

ILA is a signatory of the Letzebuerg Diversity Charter and has introduced measures to raise awareness of gender diversity across its membership relating to equity on committees & panels at ILA events. ILA also applies “The Pledge” for Facilitators and Speakers – Target gender equity 40%.

What are the benefits for companies of having gender diversity on boards?

“Diversity on boards boosts their appreciation of risks and opportunities, thus heightening organisations’ financial, environmental and social sustainability.

An active diversity policy also encourages individuals to give voice to their individuality. The benefits for the organisation are increased appreciation of risks and opportunities and increased awareness of sustainability impacts. For the individual, and especially those who are lifelong learners and curious, a diverse board can be a really rich and FUN working environment.”