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mardi 05.03.2019

Soirée film «The Schengen Tapes»

Movie issued from the international symposium organised by the Master in Architecture at Schengen (31.03-01.04.2017). Directed by filmmaker Christopher Roth, the movie relays a passionate debate between some of the most outstanding theoreticians and eloquent protagonists of this new attitude, leaving us with an overview of such postulated ambitions.

Positions on Emancipation. Architecture between Aesthetics and Politics.

While our era of constant crisis demands stronger social and political engagement, architecture has been largely characterised during the last decades by a lack of critical positions. But more recently, we have begun again to observe attitudes that claim to address architecture and urbanism as more engaged with the effects of global capitalism. In opposition to the liberal stance of “anything goes”, and the revival of architectural autonomy, these attitudes believe less in the possibility for the architectural object to have a changing effect on society. This movie directed by filmmaker Christopher Roth relays a passionate debate between some of the most outstanding theoreticians and eloquent protagonists of this new attitude, leaving us with an overview of such postulated ambitions: Anne-Julchen Bernhardt (BeL Architects), Arno Brandlhuber (brandlhuber+), Gilles Delalex (Studio Muoto), Manuel Gausa (actarquitectura), Rania Ghosn & El Hadi Jazairy (Design Earth), Adrian Lahoud (Royal College of Art), Bart Lootsma (University of Innsbruck), Markus Miessen (Studio Miessen), Can Onaner, Laurent Stalder (ETH Zurich), Peter Swinnen (CRIT), Pelin Tan, Milica Topalovic (ETH Zurich), Stephan Trüby (TU Munich), Yoshiharu Tsukamoto (Atelier Bow-Wow), Paola Viganò (Studio).

Während unser Zeitalter der konstanten Krisen stärkeres soziales und politisches Engagement erfordert, ist auf dem Feld der Architektur in den letzten Jahrzehnten das Fehlen von kritischen Positionen zu vernehmen. Jedoch lassen sich seit Neuem Haltungen beobachten, die mit Architektur und Städtebau wieder engagierter auf die Auswirkungen des globalen Kapitalismus einwirken wollen. Entgegen dem liberalen Everything goes und der Renaissance der Autonomie der Architektur glauben diese Haltung weniger in das architektonische Objekt an sich. Der von Christopher Roth realisierte Film zeigt eine leidenschaftliche Debatte zwischen den eloquentesten Protagonisten dieser Haltungen und einigen der bedeutendsten Architekturtheoretiker: Anne-Julchen Bernhardt (BeL Architects), Arno Brandlhuber (brandlhuber+), Gilles Delalex (Studio Muoto), Manuel Gausa (actarquitectura), Rania Ghosn & El Hadi Jazairy (Design Earth), Adrian Lahoud (Royal College of Art), Bart Lootsma (University of Innsbruck), Markus Miessen (Studio Miessen), Can Onaner, Laurent Stalder (ETH Zurich), Peter Swinnen (CRIT), Pelin Tan, Milica Topalovic (ETH Zurich), Stephan Trüby (TU Munich), Yoshiharu Tsukamoto (Atelier Bow-Wow), Paola Viganò (Studio).

  • Language: anglais (with a few subtitles)
  • Length: 1h42
  • Filmmaker: Christopher Roth, 2018
  • Free entry