Formation - Développement personnel

jeudi 24.09.2015

Food Regulation in Action: Procedures and Proceedings in EU Food Law

Since its foundation by Regulation (EC) No 178/2002, EU Food Law has developed progressively and become a coherent corpus of norms which, systematically and thoroughly, establishes a number of common objectives and principles for the whole food ambit and imposes specific requirements for certain categories of foodstuffs.

Together with this normative completeness, and aiming at ensuring that food is wholesome and safe, EU Food Law is also characterized for having set up a specific governance architecture and for its procedural complexity. Indeed, specific processes have been established to make sure that the adopted food standards are based on the best scientific advice available (risk assessment procedures). This necessity to rely on scientific opinions affects as well traditional decision-making mechanisms (legislative procedures and procedures for the adoption of delegated and implementing acts), which possess specific peculiarities in the food sector, due to the participation of institutional and non-institutional organs and actors in charge of interest representation. In addition, certain foodstuffs, due safety considerations, are subject to particular and very stringent pre-market authorisation and notification procedures. And finally, there is the dimension of litigation: many of the adopted food measures can impact significantly on food business operators, who may seek to contest them before the competent jurisdiction.

The purpose of this seminar is to provide participants with a commented overview of the different procedures and proceedings of EU Food Law. The different foreseen sessions will then equip the audience with a chart or road map for each of the procedures, describing their respective various phases and analysing the powers and competences of the different actors which intervene in them (the Commission and other institutions, Comitology committees, EFSA, Scientific committee and panels, etc.). Consequently, by presenting a ‘user’s guide’ for each of these processes, participants will obtain useful professional hints on how to intervene in them and how to potentially influence their outcome.

Practical information:

24-25 September

Fee: 950 €

Further information and registration